Community Service Haitian American Videos

Young Haitian Men Create #BirthdayChallenge and Feed Homeless of New York

Now this is the kind of challenge that should be trending.

Days before his 22nd birthday, Elmont native, Daniel Alexis wanted to do something different. Daniel decided to celebrate his birthday by rounding up his friends and giving back to his community. He titled the experience #BirthdayChallenge #TheGiveBackChallenge in hopes of encouraging others to perform acts of kindness and love on their birthday.

The group of young men traveled to Union Square-14th street and Pennsylvania Station and set out on a mission to feed and give away small winter essentials. The young men passed out 10 boxes of pizza, bottles of water, winter hats, hooded sweatshirts, gently-used basketball sneakers, care package, inspirational rocks & to some envelopes of money.

Story Source | Film by  Shanel Charles

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