The first Haitian flag was created on May 18, 1803. About 50 miles north of Port-au-Prince, in a congress held at Arcahaie, Dessalines created Haiti’s first flag. Dessalines removed the white portion of the French flag, – if we were to analyze this, we could say this was a symbolic ejection of the French from Haiti-and asked Catherine Flon to sew the remaining blue and white strip together. In 1806, the new President Alaxandre Pétion, personally designed the coat of arms seen even in the modern Haitian Flag, accompanied by the motto: “L’Union fait la Force” (strength in unity).

I know there are a lot of gaps between the dates of the use of the various flags, but I’m working on getting that straightened out. I’m going to continue researching; but as of now this is all that I’m comfortable with sharing. I’ve recently discovered some new flags that I’m not too sure about. – per evrythinghaitian