Haitian American

TBT: Phoenix Refined Haitian Masquerade Camp 2013

333Phoenix Refined is an Organization that manifested a Haitian Masquerade Camp (HMC) for the 2012 West Indian Labor Day Parade. Phoenix Refined believes in giving back to the community so because of that we have partnered with It Takes a Community to Raise a Child, (I.T.A.C) New York’s only 24hr/7days a week learning facility. I.T.A.C is a Not-For-Profit organization that aims to address the students’ individual needs & develop students’ self-esteem, by encouraging them to achieve their own personal best as part of their growth process. In striving to reach their goals, students come to appreciate the gifts of other students as well to realize, and respect differences in abilities and talents. ITAC essentially believes in educating the whole child.

Here Is The Presentation The Phoenix Refined Presented To The Judges For Labor Day 2013
The Theme- THANKFUL: An Ode To The Haitian Ancestry
Haitian Troupes almost never cross the stage to perform for the judges but they accomplished this in their 2nd year.
Their Channel 7 Interview:
Their Fox 5 News Interview:
Their Interview With Whatz Up Ny

Contact them if you are interested in participating this year .

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