On Saturday, February 10th, Beauvais Wilson Productions, premiered their first film “Lalo’s House” at Cinemark Baldwin Hills Crenshaw. Writer...
Tag - Haitian American
“Be celebrated. Not tolerated.” Last night while many were celebrating the Patriots or Eagles, we were happy to see one of our long-time supporters...
Haitian models are taking the industry by storm! Boasting chiseled facial features (and bodies), these male models are leaving their mark in terms of diversity...
Comedian Michelle Buteau will host a new comedy podcast, “Late Night Whenever” for WYNC Studios. The show, a parody of late night TV including...
This year, Joe Budden proved to be a jack of many trades. Since his retirement from rap, the New Jersey native has rebranded himself with ‘The Joe Budden...
By Littane Bien-Aime Growing up, Christmas was my least favorite time of the year. It meant another year of pretending that I got presents when there...