The operation to separate two Siamese girls born November 24, 2014 at the University Hospital of Mirebalais was 100% successful,” announced Dr. Mac Lee...
Tag - Haiti News
It look like first lady Sophia Martelly’s dual-citizenship got in the way of her run for senate. According to many credible online sources, an elections...
On Sunday, President Francois Hollande announced during the official unveiling of the Memorial ACTe in Point-A-Pitre, Guadeloupe, that he will evoked France’s...
As Haiti’s government work on rebuilding tourism and bringing more business to the country, I feel like there’s always a conflict of who owns what...
This story just seem to keep getting more and more interesting. According to the Washington Post: Deep in the Haitian countryside, peanut farmer Wismith...
According to Haiti Libre If one believes Pierre-Louis Opont, there could be between 60 and 70 candidates for the presidential election… Meanwhile, the...