Hundreds of Canadians protested this weekend against the possible deportation of thousands of Haitian and Zimbabwean migrants who had been denied refugee or immigration...
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I’ve watched this video over 10 time today.
Watch this beautiful video by Hopkins High School Concert Choir singing Sydney Guillaume music in Haitian Creole.
Congratulations to our Haitian brother Dany Laferrière on an absolute job well done. Haitian-Candian author Laferrière, who has since authored close to 20 novels, was...
As a Haitian-Turks Islander, reading this really ached my stomach but I had to be remind myself that those are his words and feelings. We should all know by now that...
After a $7 million renovation, Ciné Triomphe, a movie theater and cultural center in downtown Port au Prince will its doors this August.
On April 16th 2015 Dlo Pou Viv launched its WASH program at Ecole Mixte Communautaire de Blanchard located in La Plaine, Haiti. WASH is an acronym standing for Water...