Legendary Haitian Comedian Jean-Claude Joseph well-known as Papa Pye sadly passed on the morning October 18. He was 66. According to several sources, Papa Pye was...
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Ava DuVernay “I’m Black” In an upcoming episode of PBS’s Finding Your Roots, Season 4, Episode 4: The Vanguard, host Henry Louis Gates Jr. sits...
On the evening of October 26, 2017, the Embassy of Haiti in Washington, D.C. hosted the “Taste the Islands Experience – DC Edition,” presented by Blondie Ras...
Miami New Drama reimagines Thornton Wilder’s iconic American play for multicultural Miami audiences. The characters at the center of this beloved drama will speak...
We’ve been increasing the number of Haitian artists on our daily playlist lately and we want to keep sharing our list with you as it grows. If you are new to the...
Bringing Sounds of Haiti to New York with J Perry, Baky, Gardy Girault, and Paul Beaubrun Music Hall of Williamsburg, NYC on 11/24 Though only 25, Michael Brun has long...