Some people know their chosen calling early in life. Some choose the road not usually taken. Hermanie Pierre at 26 is one of the youngest Civil Engineers, not to mention...
Search Results For - haitian american
The United States and Haiti, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” From an American point of...
This is an amazing story, congratulations on her recovery and the great lengths she has gone to create this film for her country. Wislande Guillaume tried to brush off...
Wow, this is such great news for the country. According to Grio: The first Fashion Week in Haiti will take place this November, and will hopefully lend a helping hand as...
Perfect for a September day! FALL MOJITO: 2 oz 3 Star Rhum Barbancourt 4 Year Aged Rhum 1 oz Autumn simple syrup … 3/4 oz fresh lime juice 10 basil leaves 1 basil...
Haiti is scheduled to compete at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, United Kingdom, Europe. There will be a total of five athletes representing Haiti at the Olympics...