World-renowned Spanish Chef Jose Andres has begun a series of video features on the gastronomy of Haiti, and he’s now released the first taste of his work. The video...
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In the wake of the recently aired documentary Black in America, it’s interesting to see how Caribbean societies have dealt with skin colour issues, especially...
Haiti’s prime minister visited his alma mater in South Florida. Barry University bestowed its “distinguished alumni award” on Prime Minister Laurent...
Thanks to Largeup for these great pictures from the event: The World Creole Music Festival is an international showcase for the homegrown music genres of the Creole...
This 18 November 2012, on the occasion of the 209th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières, the President Martelly who is currently participating in the XXII Ibero...
Happy Anniversay! According to NYDailyNews A touching photograph of a 5-year-old girl is being used in a 20th anniversary fundraising campaign for Haitian Women...