Haitian Artist Hip Hop News Music

Rap Kreyol Artist to Watch: Makandal NegMaron


Name: Makandal Nèg Maron

Location: Cap-Haitien HAITI

Where did you grow up? Cap-Haitien and Brooklyn NY

Your Favorite Artist: Tupac

Most Recent Song or Video: Ayisyen Nou Ye ( Listen Here)

How many EPs, Mixtapes, and albums do you have under your belt?:

3 Mixtapes
2003 S.U.E ” BLOOD MONEY PT 2″

What influences your music?
Life inspires me,  but my country is my biggest influences with all its ups and downs I watched growing up. The things we couldn’t say or do back in the day motivates me to be a rebel and express myself though my music since I feel like I a freedom of expression as an adult I didn’t have when I was younger. It’s Art imitating Life. I left for Brooklyn as a teen and got deported back to our beautiful homeland about two years ago. I’ve been observing the Rap Kreyol scene here for over a year and I realized that I am what’s missing in the art, so I’m starting this musical revolution.

Your Favorite lyric from music:

“LÈW fè sa ma pèw paskew se makout ou konprann ou ka kraponenm
Ou rale ouziw la MWEN relax sou Ou rale baton gayak la Mwen be cool so ou” -Manno Charlemagne Song: Ayiti Pa Fore

Upcoming Project:

Mixtape: Neg Maron Resisite

Out of all your music you have made what songs you feel are your favorites?

The first songs I ever recorded back in 1999 on my computer, I  had AOL back then ( laughs). I recorded them on that little tiny microphone that plugged to the computer over instrumentals playing. They meant and still means a lot to me because it was the first time that I actually transform my ideas into what I wanted it to be.

If you could deliver one message to the Haitian music public what would it be?

You can hear music but most importantly you can feel music and what I’m giving you is what I feel. Nou tout se menm yon ede lòt Ann travay pou’n kontinye ouvri pòt

Facebook: Makandal Neg Maron
Instagram: @Makandal_Neg_Maron
Twitter: @Makandal_Neg_M


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