Port-au-Prince-Haiti, June 2017 : 6 artists, 6 communication agencies, 9 sign companies, 2 newspapers and 3 radio stations donated their services in order to bring...
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June 14, 2017 – Miami, Florida – L’union Suite has become a household name for many reasons. With its eye-catching Vlogs that educate and stimulate the mind, photographs...
The first permanent settler in Chicago was Jean Baptiste Point DuSable. He was born in Haiti around 1745 to a French mariner and a mother who was a slave of African...
Written by Blogger Irma Sera Over 100 speakers, including representatives from tech powerhouses such as Airbnb, Facebook, Google and Uber joined more than 450 attendees...
The Embassy of Haiti was filled with socialites, diplomats, art lovers, fashionistas, and tastemakers. All were present for the Bien Abyé “Les Jardins de la Mode” pop-up...