Addressing Colorism in the Latinx Community Written by Lawrence Gonzalez, LS Blogger Everytime we even post about Haiti being part of Latin America, people go insane...
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Securing all the bags at Once Written by Lawrence Gonzalez, LS Financial Blogger After saving over $85,000 in one year, Jamila Souffrant became a fulltime blogger, and...
Written by Lawrence Gonzalez, LS Financial Literacy Blogger On September 13, 2019, Black Entertainment Television (BET) brought to the forefront the most impactful...
Written by Lawrence Gonzalez, CFE and Financial Literacy Educator Oooh Stats Based on the the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2018, the average American household...
Getting Ahead of the Affluent Millennials Written by Lawrence Gonzalez, CFE and Financial Literacy Educator We are living in the age of the nouveau rich, Black...