According to my fellow Blogger Kreyolicous In July of 1975, Gerthie David and several Miss Universes, representing their respective countries, flew to El Salvador for...
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In an effort to promote Haiti as a new touristic destination, Haiti’s Ministry of Tourism launched a logo and slogan contest open to anyone who is over 18 and has...
The first Haitian flag was created on May 18, 1803. About 50 miles north of Port-au-Prince, in a congress held at Arcahaie, Dessalines created Haiti’s first flag...
Jérémie, Haiti
Founded on a Facebook page named: La face cachée d’HaïtiThe Hidden Face of HaitiLa cara oculta de Haití
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The year 1964 was a dark year for many families in Haiti. A group of 13 young people, who had been exiled, formed a coalition to overthrow Duvalier in an invasion...