Bravo’s favorite Newlyweds Alaska & Kimberly Gedeon of BLAK Squared Media, would like to invite you and your friends to attend the first POWERforward gala hosted by Miss Haiti, Christie Desir, and Miss New York, Iman Oubou on Wednesday May 20th at Duane Park (308 Bowery).
The evening will also feature a special performance by Grammy nominated Haitian-American singer Stacey Barthe, as well as another surprise performance that will be announced day of the event.
POWER forward’s is a youth organization which holds four camps annually for up to 150 Haitian children to train and develop them into young athletes through basketball and soon, boxing, and provides strong mentorship and leadership for every participant. Beyond these training camps, POWERforward finds funding to sponsor the top athletes’ visa & travel to the U.S. where they are placed with host families and awarded scholastic & athletic scholarships. POWERforward provides some of the basic tools to change their lives.
Through POWERforward the children and young adults of Haiti have increased opportunities for higher education and a chance to travel the world, with the hopes of returning to their home to further the growth of their country.
Wednesday’s May 20th Gala will raise funds that will continue the resources that allows these camps to operate and change lives. Through your participation we hope to continue to raise awareness for the cause helping underprivileged kids by proving them with the tools they need to succeed and therefore stimulating communities both locally and globally.
June 12-14th Alaska and his team will travel to Haiti to assist in hosting the POWERforward 3 day camp.
150 boys & girls from different school programs in Haiti are invited for a three day basketball camp in Port-Au- Prince, where they will be split up by age group, and receive training from four program coaches. The camp provides transportation to & from the gym facility where the program is held, as well as daily meals, sneakers & clothing for the children. Each camp day includes training drills & scrimmages where talent is further developed and identified. On the last day of the camp, the local community is invited to attend an All-Star basketball game, enjoy DJ music entertainment, food & beverages.
Click Here For Tickets.