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Meet Madame Max Adolphe: The Right Hand Woman of Duvalier During His Presidency


Meet Madame Max Adolphe, her maiden name is Rosalie Bosquet.

Mrs. Max Adolphe was born in Mirebalais on September 10, 1925. She started her milice career as the commandant of Fort-Dimanche/Fort La Mort. In 1963, she became chief commandant of Port-au-Prince. The writer Danny Laferriere in his book, “Le prix des Oiseaux fous” ranked her third in the diabolical order, after Duvalier and Luc Desir. He mentioned in the book that once she inserted a living rat into a pregnant woman’s vagina. Mrs. Max Adolphe epitomizes the Duvalierist milice and was one of the most feared servants of the Duvalier regime.

François Duvalier, “Papa Doc” employed the Tonton Macoute in a reign of terror against any opponents, including those who proposed progressive social systems. Those who spoke out against Duvalier would disappear at night, or were sometimes attacked in broad daylight. Tontons Macoutes often stoned and burned people alive. Many times the corpses were put on display, often hung in trees for everyone to see. Family members who tried to remove the bodies for proper burial often disappeared themselves, never to be seen again. – source

According to Wikipedia:

Adolphe, then known as Rosalie Bosquet, came to the attention of Francois during an attempt on his life. While she was a low ranking officer in the Tonton Macoute, her courage impressed the President so much that he promoted her to the position of warden at Fort Dimanche.

At the prison, Adolphe continued her strong support of the government and was known for her interrogations of political prisoners. Daily killings, torture, and beatings were typical at the prison during her tenure. After settling in at the prison, she was then promoted to the Supreme Head of the Fillettes Laleau, the female branch of the Tonton Macoutes.

When Papa Doc died in 1971 and his son, Jean Claude Duvalier took over, she lost lot of her power. Eventually, the regime ended in 1986. She left the country and her current whereabouts are unknown.

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