The last few weeks, the internet have been buzzing with new hip-hop singles and videos released by some of the hottest new Haitian-American artists in South Florida. I am happy we are able to show variety with a few pop sounds also right out of Miami.
Let me introduce you to up-and-coming artist JeanoMusic, at first glance, I thought of young thug or future, but when he opened his mouth it was all pop bryson tiller with a nice twist of Haitian fresh and fun.
Can you introduce yourself to the readers?
What’s up Lovers! I go by the name of Jeano aka Jeanomusic. I’m a solo artist out of South Florida ready to show the world that it’s still cool to fall desperately in love!
You describe the music as feel good music, can you explain what you mean by that?
My music helps you let loose and appreciate the simple things. Family, friends, love. infectious beats and sounds that get in the soul of the listeners. I’m always getting video clips from fans with them singing or dancing to Paradise Train, all while doing what they enjoy. It lets me know that the music touches them and that I’m in the right direction with my craft.
Who are your influences in the game and in your personal life?
That’s an easy question… My mother and my older brother! My mom once sang in a local gospel group in port Au prince, Growing up I would sneak into clubs to watch my older bother perform his single “Chips & cups” lol he’s gonna kill me for mentioning that. All seriousness, besides my loving fans they are the reason why I do what I do!
If you could compare yourself to an already established artist, who would that be and why?
I hope that eventually that I can be compared to the artists that I admire most; those who have left their mark on the strength of their work ethic. For now, I’ll leave the comparisons up to my fans/ “Lovers”.
What do you think your listeners will get out of your music?
A good time, music with substance, people stopped loving, Let’s bring that back. That’s what this world lack.
What were you thinking about when your songs are developed? Explain your process.
A huge glass of Merlot, maybe 3 or 3 let’s be honest lol. 2. I absolutely cannot write without a good beat/instrumental. 3. Emotion, I let all my emotions flow through the beat. I take my time and go over every line to be sure that I’m conveying exactly what I want to share with my fans/Lovers.
What do you think will be your biggest challenge in the music industry?
The Internet is full of bullies & though I’m very good at hiding my feelings, I’m a very sensitive person. My biggest challenge is going to be my sensitivity & Understanding that it comes with the territory. They’re are a lot of cruel people out there, but I’m confident the music will be testament enough to silence hate.
What do you hope to do with your music?
Continue the journey of self-expression through music that will hopefully impact others in a positive way. Music is just the beginning, I plan on doing some really incredible things for my fans and my beloved Haiti. There’s so much talent there, it’s insane, I’m not even referring solely to music.
Is there anything else you would like to share with readers.
Thank you so much for your love, it means so much to me. The fans are everything, without your support I simply wouldn’t be motivated to continue creating these great tunes. I think an overall team is great, I am blessed to have a great one but without my fans… I love my lovers (BTW, that’s what I call my fans)… Please be sure to follow me on IG, Twitter, & like my FB Fan page, I’m always posting the silliest and fun things, it gives the fans a perspective on how I live. So go look for me now, everything can be searched/found under”JEANOMUSIC” Check out my new song PARADISE TRAIN on YouTube and everywhere music is sold. OK, I’m done… One more thin, “Love Hard”
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