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Haiti’s Only Film School Ciné Institute Celebrates 10 Years

apply-headerTheres a running joke in the Haitian community that Haitians and Haitian parents are only interested in the medical, law and nursing field. I will never forget how shock and upset my mother was when I called from undergrad and said I was changing my major from pre-law to mass-communications. Some Haitian people do not understand the value and importance of creative field like multimedia and I think it’s important to offer various opportunities and career fields to Haitian students. I am a big fan of Ciné Institute and moved by the great work they are doing for and with the students in Haiti.

Ciné Institute is a unique tuition-free education and hands-on two-year college program. Their employment division brings in incredible clients like Arcade Fire, Google, Partners In Health and Donna Karan who provide real jobs and experience for the students and alumni while producing top quality work. Their professional support division builds on these programs, and gives a powerful voice to Haiti’s storytellers.

Their team is made up of Haitian and international professionals who are extremely dedicated and passionate about creating a brighter future for Haiti.

aboutus-imgCiné Institute provides each student with a full scholarship, made possible through private donations. Please help us continue to reduce poverty through world-class education and professional job creation by supporting our programs.

As a native of Jacmel, I was thrilled to know that finally there was a film
school, not just in Haiti, but right here in my town. I, immediately applied
 and was overwhelmed with joy when I was granted admission. Under the direction of my professors I directed two short films in my first year, a thesis film, a commercial and a music video. Three years ago I wouldn’t have imagined myself accomplishing all this, so I am grateful for this brilliant institution and for all the Ciné Institute supporters who have made my education possible. Ciné Institute has proven that it cares about the future of young Haitians by providing us with free education of an international standard.

– Ossela Chery, Class of 2013

Currently, less than 1% of Haitian high school graduates can afford to attend the university. Ciné Institute was born out of a local film festival. Beginning in 2004, Festival Film Jakmel  showed hundreds of international films free of charge to tens of thousands of Haitians. While the annual film festival was an extraordinary success, they discovered that audiences really wanted to see more local films and that Haiti’s youth were eager to learn how to make movies.

ciservices-headerIn 2008 Ciné Institute was officially launched to provide professional training in all aspects of filmmaking. They are dedicated to building new creative sectors in the Haitian economy and to providing talented youth the tools necessary to tell their stories to the world. Festival Film Jakmel is now produced in various forms by their graduates.

In 2013, in strategic partnership with We are the World and Artists for Peace and Justice, our sister college Audio Institute was launched. This powerful alliance, in conjunction with Artists for Haiti, has created the Artists Institute, a multi division college for art and technology set on a magnificent 5 acre campus by the sea in Jacmel.

Congratulations to Ciné and their 10 year anniversary.

To visit their website click here.

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