Haitian American Music

Haitian, Dominican Duo New Video Combines Haitian, Latin & American Cultures


Haitian, Dominican duo Rylty Statements’ (Royalty Statements) newest release “DRIVE ME CRAZY”; Dru, and Dumi are back to prove that Haitians and Dominicans working together is more then just a trend.

Through both Audio and Visual production, Rytly Statements’ goal is to create an environment of unity through creative collaboration.

“ We’ve tailored our creative process to work best when collaborating. Working together with an artist, allows us to challenge them and for them to challenge us. At the end of the day, we all bring different experiences into the project and that blend of personality and life helps us to make something unique and flavorful.”

“Drive Me Crazy” is packed with flavor. Haitian American artist Jay Burna handles vocal duties on the upbeat cut, and his colorful style shines through on the Rylty Statements directed video. Instead of just working sending a beat to Jay Burna and waiting for it to come back as a song, Dumi and Dru worked with him to create the song in the studio. Then the trio collaborated on the video, which uses Wynwood’s colorful landscapes and art to tell the story of the record.

For us, we want to see a song all the way through. This helps us build a better connection with the vocal artist, and allows us to build a bridge with people we may not have normally worked with. We don’t get into politics, and we know people have their opinions that they are entitled to. Rylty Statements just wants to make good music and good art. But the truth is, the best work happens when you step out of your comfort zone and do something different.”

The ability to combine Latin influenced music, Haitian artists, and American scenery is the differentiator. What Rylty Statements is ultimately trying to do, is use the platform that they have to make fellow creatives understand that they are not bound by preconceived ideas and traditions. That by working together and infusing the very things that make us different, we can make an entirely new thing that has the potential to be greater then the sum of its parts.

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