Actors & Actress Haitian American Videos

Haitian Actress Karina Bonnefil Star In Doritos Dogs Super Bowl Commercial

Karina Bonnefil Star In Doritos Dogs Super Bowl Commercial

This commercial is a few months old but it’s still playing and I wanted to share it and let everyone know one of our own is the cashier cast in the winning Superbowl commercial.

MV5BMzkxNDI4NjU0OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjEzOTQzMzE@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_Doritos Dogs » is one of Doritos® Crash The Super Bowl finalist videos. Starring in the video is Karina Bonnefil, a Haitian actress. According to, Bonnefil was born on June 13, 1979 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti as Karina Danielle Bonnefil. She is an actress, known for Listen to Your Heart (2010), Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation (2008) and Ain’t No Girl Scout Cookies (2012).

Bonnefil via IMDb:

  • Fluent in French, Creole and English.
  • Moved from Port-au-Prince, Haiti to Overland Park, Kansas in 1987.
  • After seeing the hit 1971 film, »Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory » with Gene Wilder, she discovered her passion for Acting.
  • Former student of the late great Jay W. Jensen, Teacher to the Stars.


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