Haiti Haitian American Tourism

Haiti Rank #7 in Sojern’s Caribbean Travel Trends

11358147_872063996212512_1444133531_nHaiti’s listed in the top ten of Sojern Caribbean Travel Trends!

On July 31st, Travel marketing platform Sojern released its Global Travel Insights Report for the second quarter of 2015 and according to the reports, Haiti re-emerged as a Top 10 destination for Americans.

In North America, Haiti moved up 34 ranks since summer 2014, after experiencing a dramatic decline in tourism in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, followed by Iceland, up 11 spots.

The report highlights the most popular worldwide destinations for travelers across five regions, while also noting changes in tourism to destinations over several quarters, based on search and booking behavior from major airlines, online travel agencies (OTAs), metasearch engines and more. Airline searches and bookings from more than one billion travel intent data points across the globe were analyzed.

Globally, the most searched destinations during the second quarter were: the United States, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Portugal, Turkey, Greece and Russia. Russia replaced Thailand after failing to make the list in the first quarter of 2015.

The destinations that experienced the greatest increase in interest since Summer 2014 (by number of searches) among North American travelers were Haiti (moving up 34 spots in the rankings) and Iceland (up 11 spots). Other destinations that saw great increases in searches were (by region): Cuba (Western European travelers), Aruba (Latin America), Bangladesh and Qatar (Southeast Asia), and Sudan (Middle East).


Here are a few reasons I’m sure more people are visiting Haiti.

Follow my instagram page for more beautiful travel pictures of Haiti @mrswanda


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