Haiti Haiti News Haitian American

Dominicans Protested in New York City & Link To Sign Petition Here


In a powerful show of solidarity, on June 15th, 2015 Dominicans protested at the Dominican consulate in New York City yesterday to say no to deportations. Deportations in the Dominican Republic of people of Haitian descent (or perceived Haitian descent) regardless of where they were born are set to begin this week in the Dominican Republic.

The community of Dominicans in the diaspora in New York, where the largest population of Dominicans outside of the mainland reside, planned this protest as part of a larger coalition to fight the deportations.

A  petition have been created HERE to urge the  Obama Administration to Pressure the government of the Dominican Republic to stop its planned deporting of 250,000 Haitian Dominicans.


Protest In New York Yesterday.

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  • It’s hurt my hart to see how Dominican treat Haitien worst than animals nit only they use them to built their country and not give them the salary they deserve now kicked them out most of these people are not Haitians they borne there Americans need to kick Dominican who borne in u.s.a out too because they not Americans how the want American to accept them and they can’t accept Haitians this is wrong I m gonna see what Obama gonna say about that if he gonna keep silent



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