Haitian American Haitian Artist Haitian Celebrity

Danity Kane Over Again, Aubrey Release Statement

Danity Kane

It was all good just a week ago!

That was the first thought that came to mind when I heard Haitian American artist Dawn Richard and her group Danity Kane had broken up for the second time. The all-female group who broke up in 2009 and then reunited last August without original member D. Woods has announced that they’ve decided to break up…again.

According to TMZ

Danity Kane’s last straw was an ambush … 2 girls against the third. Sources connected with the group tell TMZ … Dawn Richard went nuclear when she found out Aubrey O’Day and Shannon Bex were meeting behind her back … recording tracks without her and discussing business matters involving the group. We’re told the cover was blown Monday … when Dawn showed up to the studio and interrupted a private session with Shannon and Aubrey. That’s what set things off and caused the fight, that ended with Dawn punching Aubrey. Dawn tells us the stories about her being a brute are “exaggerated lies and false accusations.”

Here are a few excerpts from a recent  EOnline article,

Aubrey O’Day and Shannon Bex have each released a statement to try and explain to fans the reasoning behind their decision to end Danity Kane. “During a recent group meeting, a business conversation took a turn for the worst when my group member punched me in the back of my head while I was speaking to another associate,” Aubrey wrote, without specifying who allegedly struck her.

Danity Kane

Richards has not released a statement, but did offer some words to explain her side of things on Twitter. She began by retweeting a TMZ article that states Richards found out O’Day and Bex were having secret meetings and recordings behind her back, and that the physical altercation was set off after Dawn ambushed one of their private meetings.

Then she followed up with the following: “And even still I Was working with both teams to still release the album when this story was leaked without anyone being consulted…Extremely sorry to the fans. You don’t deserve this. You’re worth more.” – Continue Reading

Photo: It wa all good just a week ago! </p><br /><br /> <p>Haitian American artist Dawn Richard's group Danity Kane is for the second time OVER after a fight  broke out this past Monday in their studio.</p><br /><br /> <p>Earlier today bandmate Aubrey O'Day released a statement detailing how Dawn physically assaulted her by punching her in the back of the head. #Lunionsuite </p><br /><br /> <p>Earlier today, Dawn tweeted:

From DawnRichard Twitter 

Danity Kane new and  catchy song hit the last few months.

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