Guest Blogger Health and Lifestyle

Guest Post: Sa Untel pral di, (what will so & so say) Who Cares?

"Carefree" Photo: Haitian Ballerina Sasha Manuel | @sasha_ballerina instagram
“Carefree” Photo: Haitian Ballerina Sasha Manuel | @sasha_ballerina Instagram

Written by Martine Jolicoeur of  “MeUnfinished”

So you know how we are a culture of “What will THEY say?”  Yes, indeed, you know that’s right!  We are always looking for another’s opinion, for approval.  What will happen when you do this, that, or the other?  Sa Untel pral di (what will so and so say)???  So many of us live by the popular opinion…

Well… I, for one, am tired of it!  This won’t be long: just real.  Oh! So many times we have something good going for us, and we sabotage it because we are worried about the popular vote.  Have you ever asked yourself: “So what?  What WILL Untel (so and so) say and does it matter?”

Stop.  Take a minute to evaluate the situation.  Whatever you do, is YOUR business.  We are a community of meddling people (for the most part, not generalizing) and we always have something to say about another person’s business.  Yes, WE.  You are either on the giving or receiving end of the problem.

So today, let’s do a little assessment here.  If you have dreams, if you are “different” from the “normal” people, if you don’t take the conventional ways to achieve your goals, then take inventory of what’s at stake if you don’t DO what you are born to do.  

I am not talking about negative actions.  I am not talking about hurting others and being part of a dark plot.  I am talking about doing your thing that will enrich society and add to the world.  I am talking about your God-given gift that you are to share with the world.  Before you worry about what others will say, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1- Who is actually talking?  Usually, it is a whole bunch of people who don’t even matter.  The ones who need 50¢ to buy themselves some business.  The ones who really do not have much going on that they need to expose other people in a negative light. If it is not so, if those are people you love and who are part of your life, they might be afraid of the unknown and are cautious.  For those, you have to tread lightly and always consider their feedback.  If they love you, they want the best for you, so you can use the opportunity to show them your way without having to get defensive.

2- Did you look at all the scenarios and are you actually doing good?  When you have something on your heart, it is there for a reason.  Second-guessing yourself is usually the part that confuses you and others around you.  Get clear about what this means to you and why you are going on that journey.  Know your process.  It might all be unconventional, but it is GOOD.  So…..

3- What do you expect will happen from this?  Get the end goal in mind.  Start working on your vision.  When you blindly run into something otherwise categorized as “regular life” or “the way everybody does it” you might get yourself into a mess instead of paradise.  Remember why you are doing what you are doing and keep focused on the prize – that is you have to know what the “Prize” is.  

Now, you got it?  Really?  Will you stop and look over your shoulder from now on? Maybe you will, but will you care?

This is food for thought.  It’s time we focused on our gifts and how we can share them to make this place a better world; especially with all the ugliness and deception going on around us these days.  

Well, that was a post-full!  What will YOU do?  Which road will you take?  How will you be different in a positive way?  Se pou nou komanse leve pye nou pou nou fe yon diferans!

Share, Like, Comment and let’s do this together!

– MeUnfinished


About Author: Martine is a blessed wife, the mother of three precious children and the creator of the Her passion is to inspire, empower and motivate people on their life journey.After growing up in Haiti, she graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. She also completed her Master’s Degree at Nova Southeastern University in Health Services Administration. She has worked as a high-crisis counselor for 13 years solving (or improving) mental issues for thousands of families.

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